- Age
- Size
- Weight
- Physical abilities
- Place of origin
- Time period
Character's Personality and Emotional temperament
- Stubborn
- Impatient
- Funny
- Serious
- Irritable
- Shy
- Social
- Stuck up
- Violent
- Gentle
- Selfish
- Nervous
- Excitable
- Calm
- Angry
- Optimistic
- Pessimistic
- Outgoing
How a character moves
- Quick
- Slow
- Purposeful
- Precise
- General
Characters behavior
- Like to eat all the time
- Like to sleep all day
- Like to gamble and take risks
- Compulsive liar
- Like to impress
- Like to exercise
- Like to read
- Like to go out and party
- Etc...................................................